Thursday, 22 November 2012

Man's Circle, written on 20/04/2012

Man's circle

the man welcomes a day with learned routine,
his mind is wakening up, starting it’s all day jaba-jaba
the man has no memories of yesterday,
he reminds himself of his failures ,
wasted thoughts about tomorrow
feelings are slowly wakening up
and he leaves the house in paranoid way.

the same man on the bus stop
waiting, trying to calm the anger
so far controlling the rage outbursts,
unable to find out where it came from.
there is no system in this just the question
when he’s gonna reach the boiling point.
he is thinking about it.

there is a man in a bus,
troubled, haunted by his thoughts
forced to live with mind he didn’t choose.
the daymares he did not want.
very same mares that are not about to stop.
“how much force it takes to crush
my skull against a brick wall?”

another bus stop, the very same man,
looks at the wall known ..
imaginary smashes his head against it. coward.
he feels sorry for his choice.
late the wall calls again, he resists.
he feels angry, furious, shaking ...,
waves the hand and beeps himself in.

same man, different bus,
spots the reflexion  in the glass,
smileless reflexion, sad and ageing.
reflexion he doubts to know.
worried he is that this face,
replaced his true face,
the face he barely can remember, remembering.

work is where the man is paid to be now,
the place where the mind is leaving.
bounded with perfection he is.
suffering in place of his fears.
moment of distant mind is replaced with anger
still being a coward
hiding behind being an coflictless dude.

later this man is eating,
digesting the day’s portion of hate,
with side of anger,
salting the meal with tears of being so wrong.
He decided to eat alone, but didn’t choose the meal
never ending me ..., how much more can i digest?

the man leaves work, silently, quickly.
different buses, stops on the other side.
very same thoughts, regrets, fantasies
to torture the tired soul little bit more.
he escapes through music,
which changes the way his mood does it’s colours
routine way home, just staring nowhere.

for this man home is not home,
the place whre this man stays overnight,
where he fights his tomorrows, todays and yesterdays.
endless talks and argues, fighting and praying for having power
to leave the lazy screen addict body
hi tech company for the thoughts conciseness.
staring, regretting it and still unable to stop.

the man is in constant conflict,
within, with himself, with the world,
with the past, with the future, with the life.
war he can not win, but he can give up .
he is consumed by his thoughts and his fear.
reality becomes blur and disappear.
how he hast to deal with what is left.

this man is a person of two worlds
changing however it fits them
world of moving forward
with world of not moving at all.
hibernates and regrets it after.
hope small seed of hope this man got
in understanding the suffering.

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